DR Skin Health Cancer Fund, our way of giving back
As of August 1st, 2016, 2% of our daily revenue from all of our services, products and online purchases will be used for the DR Skin Health Cancer Fund. If you’ve spend money with us since thenyou’ve already contributed to this fund. We will be using the money from this fund to provide FREE treatments and DRSH products to those diagnosed with cancer.
How many individuals will be receiving free treatments and products, will only depend on how much money we collect into the DR Skin Health Cancer Fund. All of you are already indirectly contributing to the fund by visiting us at the spa and using our products, but people can also choose to donate directly to the fund, to paypal account drshcancerfund@gmail.com
If you, or anyone you know is diagnosed with cancer and would like to put yourself on the wait-list, please contact us.
” Together we can all reclaim our Skin Health”
Letter from Diana.
“My intention is to give. Give to those who are in need more than they might know.”
Cancer is around us, more than we would like it to be. Family, friends, neighbors are getting diagnosed and everyone is trying to find their way in how they can help. 5+ years ago, cancer hit close to home, as my sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer. As it is in my nature to help, I spent endless hours to advance my knowledge in cancer causes and treatments. I went through training and got certified in oncology esthetics; expanded my safe skin care line and treatments; and ultimately opened a wellness center that I could add other holistic therapies like massage, Reiki, and infrared treatments to extend the well being of the whole body. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law passed away from cancer last year. I also, had many clients reporting that they got the big “C” diagnosis. It was only few days ago, that I opened an email from a long time client, who I became close friends with during the last 10 years giving her facials… she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I wanted to do something more than what I was already doing. I told my daughter, Kristina, “I want to have enough money so I could show more support to those who have cancer, I would like to give free treatment”. That was how the idea of DR Skin Health Cancer Fund got started. Products from my skin care line and treatments at the spa can make chemotherapy and radiation destroyed skin feel much more comfortable and rejuvenated. Loving hands of a masseuse, Reiki master, and/or skin care therapist can take them on a mini vacation from their everyday health worries. Sometimes, all it takes is to take your mind off of your worries to help you feel better. While dealing with such a life threatening condition, taking the time to take care of yourself at the spa may not seem like a priority. However, we’re heard from time and time again that especially during hard times like this, they feel rejuvenated, calm, and optimistic. This project is bringing a whole new meaning to why I opened this business. Giving with love and compassion, especially to those who need us more than they even know.
Love and blessings,
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone close to you, please email Kristina.skinhealth@gmail.com with a brief introduction and contact information. We will reach out when we have the space available. The recipeient can choose from 3 infrared sessions (any function) or a Reiki Healing Session with Diana.