Turn over any bottle in conventional skincare and you will find perfume/fragrance as an ingredient. Why is it there? What does it do for the formula? Is it safe for you to use it on your skin?
How skincare products work + Basic understanding of the skin
There are many attractive claims, myths and promises as it comes to cosmetics. But really, what makes some products more efficient than others? Does the secret lie in naturally derived ingredients, or synthetic chemistry, or maybe it is in the latest inventions using animal and human parts (yes, unfortunately that is not science fiction, it does happen)?
Vitamin D is an Essential Vitamin for your Health!
Since when did the sun become the enemy? We live in a world now where so many things are feared. Sunshine is the best medicine (right next to laughter). We as humans need water and sunshine, we are basically a houseplant with emotions. Nature knows best, safe sun exposure is essential for our body’s health.
Essential Oils in Skincare
Hydrosols vs Floral Waters
Breakfast Lunch and Dinner Served 2nd Edition
Dandelion Vinegar
Medical Grade LED Therapy for Home Use
Plant Based Breakfast Lunch and Dinner
Let's Agree to Disagree
In the last few weeks things kept escalating worldwide. Everyone has their own opinion about this situation with the Covid-19 virus. And guess what? They have a right to believe what feels right to them. Let's agree to disagree and move on. Fighting with each other will not help to improve ANYTHING! All of us do the best we can.