LED Body Therapy
-Pain Relief, stress relief, anti-inflammatory
Muscles get tight and painful even from simple activities like driving, working at the computer, taking care of the garden, lifting weights and exercising. They are all great activities, but that is where muscle fibers get tangled up in knots and create circulation blocks. It is not dangerous if it's there for a short time, but when muscles tention is not taken care of for a long time, it becomes an issue. Muscle pain, difficulty to move without pain, headaches and migraines, interrupted sleep and the list goes on. We wouldn't be talking about this if we didn't have a solution, good news for you, there is LED Body Therapy.
Where there is pain, there is inflammation. Red LED light reduce muscle stiffness, and increase blood circulation. Infrared light warms up the tissue and decreases the inflammation. The combination of this technology easily and quickly reduces pain and tension in muscle knots. Sun rays are just as healing, however can be dangerous to human tissue, because of the UV rays. Just like plants, our skin and other body tissues have the ability to absorb light and convert it into energy. UV rays are harmful and burn the surface and cannot be safely used for long periods of time. LightStim has the perfect solution...
LightStim LED light therapy delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim emits UV-free, beneficial light rays that energize cells and stimulate the body's natural processes. This increased circulation accelerates your body's healing process by delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues in need of repair to naturally relieve pain.
In just a 30 min session LED will take care of tight and painful shoulders, lower back, or any other part of the body. It is the best 30 min you will spend for yourself! You can also combine a couple of these 30 min sessions and have light bath for almost the whole body.
LED Body Therapy 30 min $70* Book A session!
Unlimited Membership $99/month** Sign Up!
*30 min for one body area, panel covers about 12x24in area. **Membership limited to 2 sessions per day, unlimited per month.