Instant before and after ONE treatment

Instant before and after ONE treatment

NAME: Nano Infusion Facial

DURATION: 90 min

PRICE: ($270 with Kristina, $303 with Tricia, $330 with Diana)

RECOMMENDED FOR: Any skin type or age: sensitive, congested, oily, dry, mature skin

BENEFITS/ OUTCOMES: Healthy glowing skin. No down time. Replenished skin. Firm feeling skin. Radiant skin. Vibrant skin.


Groundbreaking Rezenerate nanoFacial! Drastically reduces fine lines and wrinkles and leaves your skin feeling and looking younger. Utilizing cutting edge nanotechnology, NanoFacial delivers unparalleled results! It provides an immediate plumpness while also allowing for greater absorption of the nutrients into the skin during the treatment. It improves product penetration up to 50%, which means the ingredients that are used in the product for skin firming, brightening or acne elimination, get deep enough to perform wanted results.

This treatment is customized for each client, choosing different products, for each client to achieve the specific results. 

This is a fabulous choice for someone who wants a truly corrective treatment without pain and without any downtime. 

Five result focused NanoFacials:

  1. Hydrate+Rejuvenate with Stem Cells (apple and Saffron)

  2. Scar reduction with Fruit Acids

  3. Brightening with Lightening Peptides

  4. Firming with Firming Peptides

  5. Acne control and elimination with Vitamin C+Turmeric+Oxygen Plasma

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  • Drastically increases efficacy of product chosen (depending on your skin concerns, various products will be chosen)

  • Optimising skin health by delivering nutrients without any discomort

  • Vibratory Facial Massage

  • Instant Plumping regardless of which products are used (for best firming results, we use Peptides) since skin is deeply hydrated


  • Aids in lymphatic drainage

  • Stimulates and exercises facial nerves and muscles

  • Increases circulation

  • Brightens Skin


All options of NANO facial come with at least 5 min of LED Therapy

  • Reduces Inflammation

  • Soothes redness

  • Tightens skin and aids in reducing fine lines and wrinkles