NAME: Crystal Reiki Facial

DURATION: 90 mins

PRICE: $291 with Tricia, $354 with Diana

RECOMMENDED FOR: Any skin type or age: sensitive, congested, oily, dry, mature skin

BENEFITS/ OUTCOMES: Healthy glowing skin. No down time. Replenished skin. Firm feeling skin. Radiant skin. Vibrant skin, with the help of LED 


In addition to cleansing, extractions of impurities (blackhead removal), exfoliation, facial massage and two masks, we use a unique technique to prepare the skin - lush microfiber towel compresses with proprietary solution. Hot steam is not appropriate for every skin type, and it is NOT beneficial for anybody! It blasts hot steam unevenly, dries and tightens skin right after it's turned off. Our compress solution is infused with organic MSM, Magnesium and Orange Blossom extract, it can be called "skin food". Compresses, besides feeling heavenly and relaxing, prepare skin for following treatment steps to achieve best results.

Face is massaged with therapeutic oil blends, that we leave on the skin under a mask for maximum penetration.

LED/Infrared Light Therapy:

Using light to create cellular activity for healthy skin results. Safe and effective for any skin type. Relaxing, non-invasive, no healing downtime, stimulating cell regeneration, promoting product penetration and detoxifying. We use combination panel that consists Blue, Red, Amber LED and Infrared lights.

Light therapy is an effective treatment that can help a wide variety of skin conditions and is backed by clinical and scientific evidence. When light is absorbed by the skin, it stimulates new skin cells to grow in a healthier way, provides protection against damage, and helps to heal a variety of skin problems.

NASA’s studies have shown that cells which have been exposed to LED Light Therapy have a 150% enhancement to their cellular metabolism, thereby accelerating the repair and replenishment of damaged cells.

Red Light Therapy benefits:

Stimulates collagen formation, Increases ATP {fuel for our cells}, Stimulates cell turnover, minimizes mild scarring, minimizes pore size, promotes wound healing , reduces inflammation, increases circulation and moisture retention.

Blue LED Light Therapy benefits:

Minimizes {inflamed and non-inflamed} acne conditions. Emits a single oxygen molecule to retard the growth of bacteria.

Amber LED Light Therapy benefits:

Anti-inflammatory, Promotes Lymph circulation, and stimulates collagen and elasticity formation.

Infrared Light Benefits:

Boost collagen production, smooths wrinkles, enhances skin tone, aids in detoxification of the skin, and Promotes product penetration.

LED Light is used with serums (Oxygen Plasma, Hyaluronic Acid, Peptides, Stem Cells and Vitamin C with Turmeric)  or Vita C Ashwagandha Mask.

Products are custom to benefit any skin type or age.

Reiki addition: One of the greatest Reiki energy health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki assists in dissolving energy blocks, promoting natural balance between mind, body and spirit, assisting the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supporting the immune system. All of that may result in reducing skin inflammation such as: acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema. 

After the Reiki session is common to feel:

-Balanced energy in the body,

-Reduced stress levels,

-Improved overall health,

-Feeling more harmony and balance,

-Released stress and tension.

Crystal Reiki

Why adding crystals is beneficial? Crystals are formed when atoms, molecules or ions are packed under pressure. Crystals start growing by a process called "nucleation". As any living organism, a crystal creates an energy pattern. Energy has form, sound, color and movement or what metaphysics call, vibration. When utilized with other energy sources, crystals can act as an amplifier. You might think of a quartz watch, LCD screens or computer microchips as good examples. You and everything else in this world are made up of electromagnetic energy. By placing a crystal on or near your body, your electrical impulses interact with the crystal creating this same type of Piezoelectric effect. The crystal begins to vibrate and the energy it creates gets transmitted to your own internal energy circuits. A color, a vibration which in turn generates a frequency or sound. Because different types of crystals have different densities, each type of crystal will vibrate at different frequencies, thus creating different energy signatures. A unique crystal group is selected for each client and each session, depending on the person and the situation. 

Scientific research on energy healing.

There were many studies done to measure the effect of energy on water. Chinese qigong master Xin Yan has demonstrated the ability to alter the molecular structure of water dramatically. Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted 10 experiments with Dr. Yan. In all cases, he was able to affect the water. 

Penn State University science professor Rustum Roy conducted many studies, and he found that water molecules have a variety of potential configurations in which they can bond together. These can be altered by passing frequencies, resulting water to gain healing properties. Rigorous study examined water treated by therapeutic touch of energy healers ( Schwartz, De Mattei, Brame, & Spottiswoode 2015). After 45- minute therapeutic sessions, the water showed highly significant changes in its absorption, which demonstrated that the bonding angle between the oxygen and two hydrogen atoms was altered by contact with the healing field. This particular experiment was carefully blinded and controlled. 

Did you know that tap water contains over 300 chemicals? That is why we only use filtered drinking water in all our facials.