Beauty Consciousness

Skin care, aesthetics equipment, treatment lasers, corrective plastic surgeries injectables...there is a lot that is offered nowadays in the beauty industry. There are different levels of extremity taken, to stop the aging process. How should we approach it? Should we feel obligated to freeze our youth? 

Many people, because of their profession, friends pressure, social status or simply out of vanity, feel the need to take drastic steps, when it comes to slowing down the visible signs of aging. 

I hear my clients say:"I want to wait as long as I can, and do everything that is possible naturally, before I need to go for an invasive solution". The thing is, you don’t have to do anything to please other people with your looks! You should only do it for yourself. That is why, when I am asked for my opinion  about certain invasive procedures, my answer always is:” If that’s what you feel is right for you, then go for it”. And I mean it. I don’t make decisions for other people, because who am I to know what is best for them?

I absolutely love what I do - help people to look better naturally. I am not just a licenced holistic esthetician, I live my life like that. From self-care products to cleaning supplies I use only non toxic ingredients. When I practice my self-care or work at my spa, it is important to me that I am not contributing to trashing mother earth or harming animals through ecosystems. 

The beauty consciousness is self-acceptance, self-love as well as love and acceptance towards others. Without judgement. Without fear. Without comparison. With no shaming of yourself and those around you. 

When I am talking about self-acceptance, I am not saying not to take care of yourself. Self-care equals self-love. Eating healthy food, exercising, taking care of your skin, your hair, nails, meditating, and being kind to yourself is self-care.  

Lets leave all the technology to the side for a moment and talk about nature. There is a lot of change that happens in nature. The seasons change non stop. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. And then it starts all over again. Nature doesn’t resist that change. We enjoy ALL these changes too.


I like comparing human life to nature seasons. 

We, like nature, live through our life seasons: 

Spring is teenagers - full of energy, new beginnings, planting seeds,  blooming with hope and ready to have a beautiful life!

Young adults are summer - starting to settle, implementing their knowledge in their jobs, starting a family and just like in nature, much calmer than spring. 

Autumn is mature adults. It is time to harvest. It is time to reap the benefits of hard work.

Winter is seniors. Silver hair is like the snow that covers the earth in winter. It is that time where work slows down and it is time to enjoy the grandkids, maybe travel to places that they always dreamed of...

All nature seasons and human life seasons are beautiful! 

Nature does not resist the changes. I invite you to stop resisting your change as well! Be grateful for every season of your life! All nature’s seasons are unique and incredibly gorgeous. Every human life period is just like nature's season, and it is valuable and beautiful in it’s own way. Gracefully embrace the changes. So what if someone comments on your wrinkles? That means you lived long enough on this earth. You collected memories throughout the years. You might have raised children, achieved personal and professional goals. In any way, you should make decisions in alignment with your authenticity and not from fear or competition. Do whatever makes you happy. 

Vibrate at the higher frequency of beauty consciousness, be yourself fully and practice self-love every day. Fall in love with yourself and with your life time and time again. After all, being unique is better than being perfect. Living in this higher level of beauty consciousness is rewarding, as it grows your roots deeper into the ground. It makes you stronger.

Once again, we are like nature. Trees that have their roots deep into the soil, are more resistant to the wind or storm. 

So be comfortable in the skin you live in.  Your health and happiness IS your beauty!

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Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC

Skin Expert

Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner

Master Reiki Practitioner and Teacher

Owner and Founder of Radiance Wellness Spa

Product formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health

#1 Best Selling Author

Educator and Event Speaker