It may shock you that Tea Tree is NOT the best for our skin. A not so popular ingredient is making waves…Manuka. No not the honey, Manuka Essential Oil.
Why Am I Breaking Out?
Deep Cleaning Your Skin is Essential!
Have you deep cleaned your skin recently? It does not matter what kind of skin you have, we all need a thorough deep cleanse at least once a month. Oily or acne prone skin more than sensitive dry skin, but in the end we all live in the city and pollution and all kinds of impurities are lingering on our skin.
Beauty Consciousness
There are a lot products and treatments out there to take care of your skin. Both non-invasive and invasive to help “freeze time”. How far are you willing to go for beauty? Are you doing it for the right reasons (meaning it makes YOU feel good) or are there social pressues at play to look a certain way?
Dandelion for body detox, clear skin and energy healing
High Protein Diet Side Effects
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are the hottest thing at the moment, and has been like that for a long while. As a matter of fact, high protein diets were recommended since a century ago, and especially peecked in 1950 and 1970s.
Of course, protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other bodychemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
Keto Diet for skin health?
Keto Diet is a very popular diet. A diet that has a great basic concept has been blown out of proportion and has caused serious health issues. Read on to see how Diana poses possible side affects of side affects of continuing a Keto Diet for your skin and overall health. p.s does anyone else find it strange that it is recommended to eat cheese but not dairy? How does that make sense? You can’t one without the other.
Rosacea. Causes, triggers and treatment
Rosacea. What is it? Who has it? What are the triggers and causes? Most importantly, how can we treat it? Over 16 million Americans suffer from this medical condition of inflamed skin. There has to be a solution! and there is… Diana Ralys breaks down the stages of Rosacea, how it affects the skin and what causes eruptions. More importantly, she goes into how to treat and cure this condition, naturally. Read on